Build Together

Truly Affordable, Transit-Oriented Housing at Shawmut Station, with a path to homeownership.

Supported by  1,034 concerned individuals who have signed our petition, as well as Melville Park Association, St. Mark's Area Civic Association, and the Codman Square Neighborhood Council! 

Read the Build Together Update!

Our Mission

Build Together is working to bring transit-oriented, truly affordable sustainable housing here to Shawmut Station. With broad community support, we want to create a development that has a path to home ownership so folks can put down roots in this vibrant and welcoming neighborhood.

Our community believes that housing is needed in the city of Boston, that families deserve new construction, that green space is a resource we cannot squander, that increased density puts pressure on roadways that were laid out centuries ago, that education is a right, and that all members of society should be supported and respected. 

Since December 2016, the community surrounding the Fitzpatrick Brothers Auto Body Shop at 150 Centre Street have been discussing potential future uses of the parcel, which we have considered with open minds and a sense of gratitude for the wealth of opportunities provided by this lot in this location. The area is a rare instance of a neighborhood with a T stop that isn’t on a main thoroughfare; there are gardens and mature trees surrounding architecturally interesting buildings that span many decades; and the roads are narrow and parking is tight. The residents love living here, we welcome newcomers, and we know that this is a diverse community of many nationalities, home to schoolteachers, librarians, police officers, new immigrants, and residents who moved here during redlining when it was the only place where they could buy property. The history of this neighborhood shows that residents are deeply concerned about how to plan for the future benefit of the community and Boston as a whole

It is with this concern for the future of our neighborhood that the Build Together community opposes the current proposal by Trinity Financial to develop 150 Centre Street. Build Together seeks to present our vision for the future of 150 Centre Street that will build upon the many strengths of our neighborhood and its community.